Mandra Pro Stick
Gates open at 9am timeshots at 10am
Mid Atlantic Nostalgic Drag Racers Association
Established 1999
MANDRA is a group of friends and racers united for one purpose—promoting nostalgia drag racing in the Mid-Atlantic region. Our members are as varied as their cars. They come from all walks of life, but race as one group. At our races you will find friendship and comradery, not cut throat competition. Don’t misunderstand…
when two cars pair up at the starting line, the competition is real… each person wants to win, but it ends at the finish line!
We race as a group at eight or so different tracks in the Mid-Atlantic region. We have 14 or 15 racing events scheduled each year. We currently have over 75 members and are still growing. At some events MANDRA has more than 30 racers competing. Our
competition is fierce, but friendly.
MANDRA racing is supported by race sponsors. Plaques are given to each race winner, runner-up, and semi-finalists. Race winners also receive a winner’s decal. All members receive membership decals and have voting privileges. MANDRA points participants accumulate points throughout the season.
MANDRA has a program for you whether you attend or try to attend every race during the year, racing for the points championship, or race only at tracks close to where you live.
The top 20 points participants are recognized at our annual awards banquet each November. The top three drivers are given special awards and a new points champion is crowned.
Mid-Atlantic Nostalgia Drag Racers’ Association
By-Laws and Rules
Adopted February 1999
Revised – January 2000 – January 2001 – January 2015
January 2016 – January 2017 – March 2018 – January 2020
All drivers and crew members will be required to display good
sportsmanship and appropriate conduct at all events. The intention of
this club is to focus on the fun and family orientation of nostalgia drag
racing. All members will be required to promote this idea.
No driver enhancing equipment that in any way will affect the reaction
time of the driver or the E.T. of the car will be permitted aboard car,
including, but not limited to delay boxes, throttle stops.
No Nitrous Oxide Systems will be permitted.
No Electronic Fuel Injection Systems, or electronically controlled
mechanical systems will be permitted. Purely mechanical systems
manufactured prior to 1980, or replicas thereof will be allowed.
The driver must operate car for the entire pass. No assisting
equipment will be allowed, including but not limited to, air shifters,
timers, down track timing, or control devices of any sort, etc.
The following devices will be allowed; however, the presentation of
the car, both on and off the track, must remain nostalgic: transbrakes, line-locks, shift lights, RPM activated multi-step rev-limiters,
any ignition system. If usage of any or all of these promotes a
“bracket car” appearance, they can be ruled illegal on any individual
All cars in competition must be 40 years old or older, except purpose
built late model front engine dragsters or altereds replicating cars in
competition prior to 40 years ago.
All cars will be inspected prior to their first participation in competition.
The competition committee will serve as inspectors of all potential
participants. They will also do routine random inspections of all cars
in competition to insure adherence to the rules. Any car found
noncompliant will be disqualified for the race. Any points for the event
will be voided, and the zero points will be used in the calculations for
the season’s end champion. Three disqualifications will result in the
expulsion from the program, with no refund of fees. A driver may
change entries at any time during the season, but a new entry must
be inspected prior to competition. Refusal to allow an inspection will
be considered grounds for termination of the entry from competition
for the season.
Cars will compete based on handicap starting in one class. Other
classes will be added when car count requires (ie., junior fuel,
supercharged cars, nostalgia super stock, etc.)
14 Flat is the slowest E.T. allowed, except for flathead or inline
powered legal vehicles.
Other nostalgia appearing cars unable to meet this criteria, including
rear engine dragsters, will be considered for approval on an individual
basis by the Board of Directors and the Competition Committee.
Only rear engine dragsters with1970’s style chassis, suspension,
body style and proportions will be considered.
Trophies/plaques will be given out at each event to the Winner,
Runner-up and Semi-finalists. Trophies/plaques will be awarded at
season’s end to the top three finishers in points. Event winner decals
will be issued at all points races sanctioned by MANDRA.
Four drivers will be randomly picked at the beginning of each event,
prior to eliminations commencing, to serve the purpose of resolving
any disputes for the particular event. They will serve as three judges
and one alternate. All decisions will be final. All decisions will be
based on NHRA Rules for E.T. Bracket Class, and the adopted rules
of this organization.
A mandatory drivers’ meeting will be held at every event prior to first
round of eliminations. All drivers must sign in prior to time trials to be
eligible for earned, low-reaction time bye run.
Drivers participating in the points program will be given 50 points for
attending and participating at each race. The driver will be given an
additional 50 points for each completed round they participate in. The
winner of the event will receive a bonus of 30 points for winning. The
points will be tallied and the person with the most points will be
named champion. The points computation will be based on the best
70% of all races held (best 7 out of 10).
A driver who competes at all sanctioned points events shall be
awarded a free ticket to the MANDRA banquet held in November.
Competition Committee
This committee will inspect all prospective members’ race cars to
insure the vehicle represents the period prior to 1980. This inspection
must be completed prior to it being approved for competition with
MANDRA. The committee will also conduct random inspections of all
cars competing with MANDRA to insure rules compliance. The
committee’s decision will be forwarded to the Board of Directors as a
recommendation, at which time the Board will issue a final decision.
The guidelines the committee will base its ruling on are as follows:
All vehicles in competition should closely resemble the appearance of
cars that raced during the period prior to 40 years ago. Reasonable
attempts should be made by all participants to prepare their vehicles
in such a fashion that would replicate that time period. In that interest,
vehicles should retain stock body appearance and components, or
direct replacements thereof. Modifications to the car that affect its
appearance, both on and off the track, must be approved. Period
correct components and modifications will be automatically approved.
Other modifications will be considered according to the following
Cars in competition will be limited on the following changes
(individually or in combination) if usage is considered to detract from
a nostalgic appearance or presentation, either on or off the track:
Transmission Brakes RPM activated multiple step rev-limiters NonOEM, late model, or otherwise not period correct hood scoops NonOEM, late model, or otherwise not period correct rear wings or
spoilers Radically altered suspension that severely lowers the stance
of the car Late model aluminum wheels, or extremely large rear tires.
This organization is founded on the idea of promoting nostalgia racing
in the mid-Atlantic region. It shall provide a series of races to allow a
fun family-oriented atmosphere. No one person shall benefit from the
operation of this organization. All awards will be won in an
appropriate manner.
This organization shall be governed by a total of seven members,
elected for a one-year term, by a majority of members present at a
meeting held in early January at a place to be announced. These
seven shall be elected to the following positions; President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three serving as Board of
Directors. All seven will have equal vote in decided matters brought
before the board. A majority of the officers or directors in concurrence
can make a decision related to the operation of the group. All
directors will make decisions in the best interest of the group, and will
be held accountable to the same. The board shall appoint members
to a “Competition Committee”, comprised of active racing
participants, and any additional committees as deemed required for
the operation of the organization. All committees will report to the
board, with notification of all actions handled by said committee.
Revenue for the operation of the organization shall be raised through
the levying of annual dues. All expenses shall be paid from these
funds. The amounts are as follows; $50.00 annual dues, due January
1st of each year. The annual dues will not be pro-rated or reduced for
any member. There will be an additional $50.00 annual points racing
fee to participate in the racing events. A paid-up member may race at
a maximum of 50% of sanctioned events per season without paying
this points entrance fee; no points will be earned. Points will begin
accruing at the time the points fee is paid. The operator of the entry
must be a member of MANDRA, but the car owner does not have to
be if he/she is not the operator. Any member wishing to have status
as an associate member may do so for an annual fee of $35.00.
Associate members will have voting privileges.
This organization shall sanction and promote a series of races in the
mid-Atlantic region. These events will be contested individually. All
points earned will be accrued for the purpose of determining the
season’s end champion. Awards and cash pay outs will be given,
according to points standings and to the number of entrants. Amounts
and number of awards will be determined by level of participation
during the season.
All rules for the racing season will be adopted prior to the season. No
rule changes will occur during the season unless approved by a 2/3
majority of participants at any sanctioned event. No elected officer or
director shall have any decision-making responsibility related to the
rules at any events. All rules interpretation will be handled by selected
rules judges, picked for each event.