June 20-21, 2014
Crook, English, Parson, Metzler, Taylor post wins

The great AA/GS finals matched Steve Crook’s “Blew by you” `56 Chevy against Ray Kasicki’s Willys. Ray was a little over anxious drawing a red light. Steve took the win with a 5.655 at 122.33 MPH to Ray’s 6.32 at 110.13 MPH.

Steve won!!

Ed Kasicki is out first over brother Ray in round two of AA/GS but the tree was red. Ray took the win with a 6.389 at 108.05 to Ed’s 5.853 at 119.77 MPH.

The Old Time Memories take a win over Bob Cook.

Bob Cook has the sharpest `57 Corvette AA/Gasser in the nation.

Rocky Pirrone’s Big Time Memories

Ed Kasicki’s Willys is one quick show and go ride.

Bones Balogh was in the hunt with the Boss Hydro.

Bones dropped the Big Time Memories in round one.

Without a doubt the crowd favorite was Steve Crook’s `56 Chevy.

Pamela was the classic ‘Back up lady’ for Steve all day long.

Dan Parson is out first in his “Toxic Element” `67 Comet over Scott Hasko’s Willys. Dan had a better, .066 to .156, light and held on for the win with a 12.293 on a 12.20 at 104.13 MPH to Scott’s 11.805 on a 11.68 at 115.17

Dan “All parts in” Parson take the win in Nostalgia Gas

The Comp finals had Mark English in his MGA meeting Jeff Bahret’s A/A. Mark took the win with a 9.603 on a 9.58 at 137.34 MPH to Jeff’s 8.367 on a 8.15 at 162.80 MPH. Jeff held lot ET of the event with a 8.12.

The Hot Rod finals came down to Graham Taylor in his `66 Nova verses Dave Dryer in his `65 Chevelle. Dave had the tree but fell off his dial running a 10.447 on a 10.10 at 122.91 MPH to Graham’s winning 9.898 on a 9.64 at 121.03.

Denise and Rich Poorman cheer her dads win.

The Li Beaver finals matched Andy Wildasin’s `65 Galaxie against Leon Peasley’s `67 Camaro. Andy had the tree and took the win with a 11.465 on a 11.48 at 12.95 MPH to Leon’s 10.330 on a 10.35 at 128.51 MPH.
Always the highlight of the event

Mike Etchberger went out the greatest distance.

Dan White scored the highest in his cool `55 Ford.

The fences are lined up to watch the show.

Dan Bergeron had his Nova on the bumper all day long.

Rich Osburn’s “38 Special” gets it up.

Wheel stand champions, Mike Etchberger and Dan White
Another Beaver Original
Drink a Pepsi, eat a hot dog, run 60 foot and trow the empty cup in a bucket, run back to the car. First to the 1/8 mile wins!!

The Hot Dog Race finals matched Team Heffner and Team Osburn.

Team Osborn get back to their car first.

“The Champs”

In round one Team Osborn prevailed over Team Poorman.

Team Heffner verses Team Gossy/Trevor

Danny Heffner stuff’s a dog and takes a first round win.

What looks like a win for Gossy and Trevor really was not a win.

Trevor didn’t eat the hot dog. That equated into a disqualification.

Kevin Lynch in his Nova got by a red lighting Mark Fenzel.

Bones Balogh tows the Boss Hydro in real style.

Mikey and Mike McCracken made the event.

Rocky Pirrone finds all the cute ladies.

The Fenzel brothers in their cool Plymouth and Pontiac.

“Running Bear” couldn’t catch Dan Bergeron in Lil Beaver.

The PA Gasser Nationals. It’s about the show.

Working on the Old Time Memories Willys.

Pretty girls and fast cars.

Brian Metzler’s good looking `55 tudor post.

And here is his dad, Earl’s equally beautiful `34 Ford.
Earl took the Modified Gas title.

Bob Cook’s gorgeous AA/GS `57 Corvette.

And this interior is just as spectacular. Yes, it’s a real `57 Corvette!!

Steve Crook flashes a “V” for victory. It proved to be true.

Dan “All parts in” Parson. A man and his machine.

Cody Fenzel’s beautiful front engined dragster. We love it.

Bob English at the wheel of “The Drag-uar”. She is 6 cylinder Jaguar powered.

Danny Heffner in his `59 Chevy, “The Crow”.

Lots of cool old stuff was in attendance.

Love this shot.

Looking right.

Beaver Bob bids farewell to Brian Metzler. This looks like a shot out of the `60’s for sure. The car hauler, the `55 Chevy and Beaver Bob sporting his 1964 varsity jacket from Chief Logan High School. BB was a 112lb. wrestler.

Dave Bowen’s “Screamer” sure matches the time line.

Dan and Candice White in their `55 Ford Gasser.

Zippo lays one on Dan. HA!!

Trevor, Gossy and Beaver Bob were sporting their nostalgia look.
Donna Marie and Daisy May were dressed the part for the Gasser Nats.

The Beaver always has the cool award trophies.

Everyone shows respect for our National Anthem and our flag.

Track promoters: Beaver Bob and Joe Kaminski of Selinsgrove Speedway.
Joe is one of the best on the “Dirt Circuit”.

Big Rita’s concession crew sure dressed the part. It was the `60’s again!!

Steve Crook backed up his title with another win in AA/GS.

Steve and Pamela celebrate their AA/GS win.

Ray Kasicki was the AA/GS runner up in his Willys.

Zippo the trophy queen congratulate Nostalgia Gas champion, Dan Parson.

Scott Hasko took a runner up in Nostalgia Gas.

Mark English won Comp eliminator in his `57 MGA

Low ET car of the event, Jeff Bahret, took a runner up in Comp eliminator.

Earl Metzler took the Modified Gas title in his cool `34 Ford.

Graham Taylor took the win in Hot Rod Eliminator

Dave Grayer was the runner up in Hot Rod with his Top Gun Chevelle.

Wheel Stand Champion, Mike Etchberger, won again this year.

Dan White and crew celebrate his Wheel Stand showing.

Andy Wildasin put his `65 Galaxie into the Lil Beaver winners circle.

Leon Peasley, right, took a runner up in Lil Beaver.
It was Leon’s very first weekend of competition. Way to go Leon!!

Bones Balogh, Donna and Beaver BobĀ with the Beaver line crew
And after the Gasser Nationals….Beaver Bob and Donna Marie attended Bob’s 50th Class Reunion. Bob graduated in 1964 from Chief Logan High School.

Diane Pepple, Donna McCardle, Sue Smithers and Carolyn Heller.
The wives of Chief Logan’s class leaders:
John Pepple, Bobby McCardle, Wayne Smithers and Denny Heller. |